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We would like to inform you that we will be closed on the following dates.
For Fallas festivities: March 18 and 19.
For Easter holidays: March 29, April 1 and 8.

Store schedule: 
From Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 18:30
Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 uninterrupted

Factory schedule:
From Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 14:00 and from 15:30 to 18:00
Friday from 8:00 to 15:00

Medio Ambiente
PRODESCO, the store:
Faience Biscuit - kitchen Articles

Pens dish 27x10
Ref: 60237000 (HFE)

Botijos bola mini 8x5x12,5 cm. (Until end of stock)
Ref: 60315300

Salad dish tablewareNº 2 27x6
Ref: 60234100

Huevera codorniz 10/h 28X33 (HFE)
Ref: 60335500

Jarra brick 17x18 (Until end of stock)
Ref: 60253200

Jarra vino 20 cm. (HFE)
Ref: 60238900

Mortero 4 picos 15,5x15,5x10 (HFE)
Ref: 60293000

Mano mortero (haya) 21,5X4,5 cm. (HFE)
Ref: 60296700

Perejilera (Until end of stock)

Plato entremesero conchas diam. 33 cm. (Until end of stock)
Ref: 60237700

Plato tazón 19,5 cm.
Ref: 60299800

Flat Plat tableware diám.28 and deep diám.24
Ref: 60241600 y 60241700 (HFE)

Dessert Plate diám. 20
Ref: 60241800 (HFE)

Porrón (Until end of stock)
Ref: 60307600

Dish radish 23x14 and Oval Dish tableware 33x25 y 37x30
Ref: 60237100 al 60237300 (HFE)

Vuelve tortillas de 28 cm. (HFE)
Ref: 60311800


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